Bureau of Inverse Technology / Judy Chicago / Brian Moran / Charlemagne Palestine / Juliana Spahr / Gili Tal
(Left) Judy Chicago Video documentation of: Pink Atmosphere, Cal State Fullerton, Fullerton, CA, 1971 Bridge Atmosphere, Cal State Fullerton, Fullerton, CA, 1971 Campus White Atmosphere, Cal State Fullerton, CA, 1971 Courtesy the artist and Through the Flower Archives
(Right) Bureau of Inverse Technology, BIT Plane, 1999, Single-channel video with sound, 13:00 min Courtsey Video Data Bank
(Left) Juliana Spahr, Recording of Spahr reading: ‘Poem Written After September 11, 2001’ (From This Connection of Everyone With Lungs, University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, California, 2005), 'Tradition' (From The Winter The Wolf Came, Commune Editions, Oakland, California, 2015) 9:38 min. (RIght) Charlemagne Palestine Island Monologue 1976 Single-channel video with sound, 15:05 min Courtesy Electronic Arts Intermix
(Left) Brian Moran Untitled (from Engineering Consent), 2017, Permanent marker on drafting vellum, acrylic lenticular lens sheet, Courtesy the artist and Galerie Gregor Staiger. (Right) Brian Moran, Untitled (from Engineering Consent), 2017, Permanent marker on Mylar, acrylic lenticular lens sheet, Courtesy the artist and Galerie Gregor Staiger