Chris Burden / Jamie Davidovich / Lynn Hershman Leeson and Rea Baldridge / Carl Loeffler / Chip Lord and Phil Garner (Pippa Garner) / Barbra T. Smith / Michael Smith / Brune and Norman Yonemote
Chip Lord and Phil Garner (Pippa Garner) Autoparts 1979 Single-channel video with sound 8:04 min., color. Courtesy of the artist, La Mamelle / Art Com and the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive
Barbara T. Smith Just Passing 1979 Single-channel video with sound, 15 min., color Courtesy of the artist, La Mamelle / Art Com and the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive
Chris Burden The Big Wrench 1979 Single-channel video with sound, 15:12 min., color Courtesy of Electronic Arts Intermix, La Mamelle / Art Com and the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive
Lynn Hershman Leeson and Rea Baldridge Test Patterns, A Factional Docudrama (in time) 1979 Single-channel video with sound, 15 min., color Courtesy of the artist, La Mamelle / Art Com and the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive
Carl Loeffler [Producer] TV on TV: television for the 80s [Promo for TV on TV] 1984 Single-Channel video with sound, 3:45 min., color Courtesy of La Mamelle / Art Com and the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive
Jaime Davidovich Dr. Videovich Goes to Texas 1984 Single-Channel video with sound, 3:35 min., color Courtesy of the Jaime Davidovich estate, La Mamelle / Art Com and the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive
Lynn Hershman Leeson Lorna 1984 Single-channel video with sound, 12:12 min., color Courtesy of the artist, La Mamelle / Art Com and the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive
Michael Smith Go For It Mike 1984 Single-channel video with sound, 4:40 min., color Courtesy of the artist, La Mamelle / Art Com and the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive
Bruce and Norman Yonemoto Vault 1984 Single-channel video with sound, 11:45 min., color Courtesy of Bruce Yonemoto, La Mamelle / Art Com and the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive