Be kind to the night September 1 – October 13, 2018 Cerith Wyn Evans, Laura Figa, and Stephen Lichty Be kind to the night, Installation View Cerith Wyn Evans Eclipse, 2005 Neon, paint, Courtesy of the artist and KADIST, San Francisco Cerith Wyn Evans Eclipse, 2005 Neon, paint, Courtesy of the artist and KADIST, San Francisco Stephen Lichty Branch, 2018 Weeping mulberry branch, paraloid b-72, silver, Courtesy of the artist and Foxy Production, New York Stephen Lichty Branch, 2018 Weeping mulberry branch, paraloid b-72, silver, Courtesy of the artist and Foxy Production, New York Stephen Lichty Branch, 2018 Weeping mulberry branch, paraloid b-72, silver, Courtesy of the artist and Foxy Production, New York Stephen Lichty Branch, 2018 Weeping mulberry branch, paraloid b-72, silver, Courtesy of the artist and Foxy Production, New York Be kind to the night, Installation View Laura Figa Rest Index, 2018 Carbon fiber, EVA Foam, Courtesy of the artist Laura Figa Rest Index, 2018 Carbon fiber, EVA Foam, Courtesy of the artist