Construction Update Week #13

Excavation continues at 500 Capp Street, with concrete being poured early next week. As the construction work continues at a steady pace at 500 Capp Street, at the offices of Foundation we are busy working on managing not only the house but also a large collection of artwork. As we continue to finalize programming for the re-opening of 500 Capp Street, we look to not only develop programming within the walls of the home, but to also share and explore David’s work in other spaces and contexts. One of the most exciting aspects of our programming is not just ability to establish a strong curatorial program within the house, but the opportunity to collaborate with other organizations to bring David Ireland’s work to galleries and institutions around the Bay Area, nationally and internationally.


Some pieces within the collection are not capable of transport or loans, like the copper window or the dining room installation, due to context and permanency.  However many other pieces are able to be displayed in a gallery setting, including many lesser known bodies of David’s work.  With a thousand pieces, a large portion of the collection consists of David Ireland’s works on paper and prints.  This body of work is quiet the contrast in scale to David’s more well known large sculptural work, but often hits on many the same themes and shapes. On paper David explored images of Africa and torpedo like forms. He also paid tribute to artists such as John Cage and Marcel Duchamp  – just as he did with his sculpture and installation work.


We look forward to not only sharing more details of the re-opening with you soon, but also other collaborations we have in the works.